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Wood Slice Necklace

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Wood slice necklaces

When my kids were little, we had a trail near us that we liked to hike, and they always seemed to turn it into a scavenger hunt. We started saving empty egg cartons, and I would paint each cup a different color. During our hike, they had to find something from nature that matched their colors.

They LOVED it!! And my husband and I loved it too, because it kept them focused and there was no whining about being tired.

Now that they’re a little older, their styles have matured, but their love of nature and its beauty remains. Thank goodness!!

crafting with nature book

I was so excited to get my hands on my friend Amy’s new book, Crafting with Nature! Amy blogs at A Nest for All Seasons, which has pretty much been my go-to source for the last few years for all things gardening and learning how to appreciate the nature that surrounds us.

crafting with nature

The book is filled with beautiful photographs (that Amy took herself), and ideas for all seasons and climates. She even sent some lavender and beet seeds! So sweet!

crafting with nature lavender


The first night I received the book, I sat down and read it like a novel. The second day, I showed it to my 12 year-old daughter and asked her to pick something that we could work on together.

We were both drawn to the wood-burned wood slices. In the book, Amy made hers into buttons and magnets, but we decided to try our hand at a wood slice necklace.

It was perfect timing, because we had just had a large tree come down in a storm. My husband was busy cutting it up while my daughter and I were searching for the straightest branches we could find.

Once we had a branch cut off, I carefully cut it into smaller slices using a table saw. We cut some straight up and down and some at a 45 degree angle.

Wood slices for necklaces

Then I used a small drillbit to drill a hole in the top for the chain.

wood slice necklace drilling holes

We used our palm sander to get it nice and smooth and then came the fun part! You can wood burn your initials, a pattern, a special date, a shape… whatever your nature-loving heart desires!

wood slice nekclaces with wood burning designs

So easy, so fast and aside from the chain, it is completely free because you’re using items found in nature!
Crafting with Nature contains dozens more simple crafts, recipes, gardening tips, homemade gifts and more! You can purchase it HERE.


Monday 28th of March 2016

I love the necklaces. I wanted to try wood burning when I was a kid. Never got very far.

Amy Brooks

Thursday 24th of March 2016

Love the whole idea of this! Awesome!!


Wednesday 23rd of March 2016

I am loving these! So unique and beautiful!!!

Amy Renea

Wednesday 23rd of March 2016

SO pretty Natalie!! I love those elongated slices, Thanks so much for sharing the book with your readers --- MWAH!!!


Wednesday 23rd of March 2016

These are beautiful!