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Wedding Quote with David Tutera Bridal

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A couple weeks ago, I was lucky enough to come home from a long day at work to find a bee-you-tiful box of goodies waiting for me from David Tutera Bridal!  I may have let out a squeal or two and then started planning my wedding. You know, my wedding that happened 12+ years ago and isn’t going to be re-happening any time soon (or ever). 

My husband and I had a little handmade wedding capped off with a backyard bbq in our new home that was just perfect for us.  Well, kinda.  There are a number of things I would do differently now (seriously, why was there no Pinterest in 2000??), but there are many more things that I still love to this day.  One of my favorites was the hand-painted signs that we placed all over the backyard.  Some had your typical love/marriage quotes and others were more quirky or meant something only to us. Love them all!

When I saw this gorgeous box of goodies, I knew I wanted to re-create one of those signs with one of our favorite song lyrics.  One of the many things I love about my hubby, is his little surprises.  He seems like such a laid-back, easy-to-read kind of fella, but he always surprises me!  I actually asked him out first (back when we were college kids ogling each other instead of listening to the professor), and he said no because he was going with a friend to some concert. What concert you ask??  Ahh, yes, some East Coast/Baltimore band called Clutch and the show was being opened by ProPain.  I almost gave up on him as my crush right then and there.  But I’m glad I didn’t, because little did I know that this guy could switch from Clutch to Frank Sinatra without blinking an eye.

And since Ol’ Blue Eyes is much more my speed, I grabbed one of our favorite lines for my project.  Now before anybody starts foaming at the mouth, ready to be the first to tell me… I’m absolutely aware that I should not have written “a glow” twice.  Which, yes, is pretty comical since I’m telling you it’s one of my favorite lines and I still got it wrong. Nothing much to say, I goofed and it happens quite a bit! So I threw a period in there to see if it would help, and it’s passable now… but still not quite right.

Making this sign is as simple as could be, and you don’t need any fancy cutting machines to re-create it!  I grabbed a 16×20 canvas and painted it with two coats of chalkboard paint (just because that’s what I had. Black paint would have been just fine!).  Then I hopped over to my computer and used PicMonkey to type out the lyrics in the fonts and sizes I wanted.  Once I had that printed out, I scribbled all over the back of my paper with chalk.  I laid it down (chalk side of the paper on the canvas), and traced over all my letters with a pencil.

Ta da!!

You’re left with a nice clean outline of your letters!  I filled mine in with a white chalkboard marker, but you could use a paint pen just as easily.  Once the letters are dry, the chalk residue from the back of your paper will just brush away easily.

Now came the fun part, aka David Tutera!  Since my quote had the word “glow” in it, I thought it would be fitting to use these gorgeous lit branches!  They’re battery-operated, LED branches that I just bent wherever I wanted them to and then attached using a hot glue gun.   I bent the bottom, thick branch to hug the bottom of my canvas and then tucked the cord and LED packet up under the back of the canvas.  The canvas works perfectly for this (as opposed to a piece of wood), because it already has the wooden frame in the back that serves as a ledge for the LED pack to sit on.

I kept the hot glue gun out to attach some sparkly little embellishments.  These are actually hair snaps, but they worked perfectly to give a little pizzazz to the black background!


My two gorgeous silk flowers were attached with hot glue too.  These are actually hair combs, but I love the way they pop against this black canvas and the way the lights shine through the delicate petals!  They just make the whole picture for me!

These pictures aren’t the best, because I wanted to get them when it was dark enough to see the full effect of the LED lights.  It just wasn’t quite the same getting a picture in daylight and not having the lights on.  Ahhh, well, just imagine that it’s a nice, crisp image.  There you go.


I wrote this post as part of a sponsored campaign with Darice and The Blueprint Social. The opinions in this post are my own.