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Updating a Room with Crown Molding

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Nothing can make a renovation seem more complete than updating a room with crown molding and a fresh coat of paint! We went from builder’s beige to a rich jewel color that’s topped off with bright white crown molding!

And man, did our master bedroom need some updating!

Master bedroom before easy painting makeover_

We have worked so hard on our whole house in the 2.5 years we’ve lived here, but the master bedroom and bathroom were the only rooms we didn’t touch at all. I know, I know… Mom and Dad always come last. Part of that was the reason, but I also just couldn’t make up my mind on what direction to go in with this room.

My two options I was stuck on were pretty extreme: either light and airy with lots of white OR dark and moody and kind of boho looking.

Finally. FINALLY. Earlier this summer I decided I wanted dark and moody. Those were the pictures I kept getting drawn to on Instagram and it just made it feel like our bedroom was more of a separate retreat for us. A space that was different than the rest of the house.

master bedroom makeover with doors and fake crown moulding

So I grabbed our paint roller and we painted the whole room Sherwin Williams Deep Sea Dive. And I love it! During the day with the windows open, it seems bright and fresh. In the evening, it’s a deep, rich color that is exactly what I was going for.

But, as with every other room in this house, the ceiling lines are not straight where they meet the walls. I think it mostly has to do with a terrible taping/mudding job. It’s nearly impossible, though, to get it looking nice which is a huge pet peeve of mine.

Master bedroom after painting makeover_-6

So we started looking into crown molding. My husband was resistant at first because this room has so many corners and he despises mitering the angles for those corner pieces. Then I stumbled on Crown Molding Solutions and was thrilled when they agreed to partner with me.

Crown Molding Solutions offers foam crown molding that is super lightweight and easy to install. Best of all, you can purchase the corner pieces already pre-cut!! The site gives you the option for inside or outside corners which is perfect since we needed a few of each style.

faux foam crown molding corner pieces already mitered

The straight pieces of your crown molding, come packaged (super efficiently, I might add!) in 8′ long strips.

how to faux styrofoam crown molding tutorial

I started by laying them all out in a painting area. I just used empty pizza boxes since we had a ton left from a party a few days before. I knew I was going to be using my HomeRight Finish Max Paint Sprayer to make a quick job of this, so I left a little space between the pizza boxes for me to walk between with the sprayer.

how to paint faux styrofoam crown molding corners tutorial

This job goes SO quickly with your sprayer! Especially if you choose a crown molding style that has a lot of detail. I did 3 light coats of paint on each piece and was done in probably 30 minutes.

I loved that the molding pieces were a pale blue because it made it so easy to see where I needed to add more paint. Especially because I was fighting a setting sun! It would have been harder to see missed spots if the foam molding was already white.

how to paint spray faux styrofoam crown molding tutorial

Once the paint was completely dry, we moved inside to the bedroom. The crown molding is made of foam so it’s incredibly lightweight, which means it’s easy to cut to size AND it’s easy to hang!

All we really needed for installation was a caulk gun with a fresh tube of caulk, a hacksaw and a speed square.

We started by placing all of our corner pieces first. Just make a zigzag pattern across the entire back with your caulk gun, then press all the pieces into place and hold for a few seconds until it’s adhered well.

corners of crown molding on a teal wall

After we had all the corners in place, we worked on placing all of the long sections. So any wall where we could fit an 8′ section of crown molding without having to cut it, those pieces went up.

guy standing on a ladder holding a piece of crown molding in place

Once all the long pieces were up, we measured the spaces left to start cutting pieces to fit.

guy measuring a space between two pieces of crown molding

We had a drop cloth laid out on our floor and did all of our cutting right there in the bedroom. Since it’s made of foam, it’s really easy to cut with just a hacksaw. This was SO nice to not have to run back and forth to the garage every time we needed to make a cut!

cutting a piece of foam crown molding with a hacksaw

As we cut each piece, we hung it immediately so that we wouldn’t get pieces mixed up between different sections.

teal walls with crown molding being installed in some spots

Once every piece was hung, we went back and filled in the spot where the crown molding met the ceiling with more caulk. You can see in the photo below the difference that it made.

The little section in the middle does not have caulk yet and you can see that there’s a visible gap there. It just looks much more professional if you take this final step!

crown molding against a teal wall

The difference in the room is amazing! We went from beige walls and builder’s beige doors to a rich teal wall with bright white doors. Then we topped off the whole room with crown molding as a finishing touch!

Master bedroom before painting makeover_

master bedroom makeover with doors and crown moulding

Everything just pops now and I love the contrast between the white and the dark teal wall color!

master bedroom makeover with doors and crown molding

The crown molding was the perfect finishing touch. It just looks like it’s framing the room to me!

messy bedroom with a lot of dressers

bedroom with teal walls and mid century modern furniture

And, of course, it made painting so much easier! Since we used a paint roller on the walls, we were able to get pretty high and didn’t have to worry about coming back with a brush to cut in. In fact, we went much higher than we even needed to once we saw just how substantial the crown molding was!

how to install faux crown molding corners

This room has come so far from last month when it looked like a college apartment with it’s mismatched dressers and blue carpet! Seriously, our master bedroom and there were 4 different mismatched dressers in here!! I’m hanging my head in embarrassment.

master bedroom makeover novogratz bed gold

We still have a few things left to do, but I’m already so much more in love with our little private retreat!

master bedroom with teal walls and mid century modern dressers

And since I know you’re all dying to add crown molding to your house now, be sure to check out Crown Molding Solutions. It’s such an easy and affordable way to take your house to the next level!

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Updating a Room with Crown Molding


Sunday 7th of November 2021

Hi, do you know what style/size you used for this?


Wednesday 19th of December 2018

Nice DIY . I love such massive moldings, look imressive. Colours of interior are amazing by the way!