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Michael Jackson Birthday Party!

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We’ve been talking about this party FOREVER and it finally came this weekend!

We had a lot of fun and she loved it! The best part for me was every evening this past week, I would work on something after she went to bed. I couldn’t wait till she got up the next morning so I could take her down to the basement to show her what I did.  Her reaction never disappoints!  She’d gasp and say, “Oh Mommy!!! I love it! It’s perfect!!”.  Seriously.  Every morning with her was the absolute best.

I got the invitations from See Here when they had the deal for 20 free photo cards, just pay $1.49 shipping. They came so fast and were perfect!




We had the party in the basement so the pictures aren’t the best (we’ll just blame it on the basement lighting and not my terrible photography skills!).

I decorated everywhere with records I got off Freecycle and color copies of the pics my friend took of her last spring!  This friend happens to have a blog and a brand new photography page so everybody go check it out!  (after you look at my post!).  I took the pictures to the UPS store to get copied and got 2 copies of each and I think my total was somewhere around $5.  It’s SO cheap!



I took some of the pictures from my daughter’s room down to help decorate too.  This was the little station I set-up for our crafts.

We decorated Super Star picture frames that I bought about 4 years ago.  I only used a few from the pack then and had exactly 12 left over!




We decorated gloves… one each of course. I found these gloves at WalMart, 4 to a pack for $1.40!



For games, we played Pin the Glove on Michael.  My father-in-law had this random piece of plywood laying around and gave it to me a couple weeks ago.  It was already painted white, so all I did was paint an MJ silhouette, add the words and decorate the top with tissue paper flower and star stickers ($1.69 for all of them at Christmas Tree Shops!).  My ever-patient hubby cut the gloves out of wallpaper that I bought last spring for $2.50 for the whole roll. This is the same wallpaper that I lined my hutch with last spring too!




I also made a paper bag pinata following Becki’s directions from Infarrantly Creative.  I love how it turned out!  It was so cheap (especially because I filled it with Halloween clearance candy) and it worked perfectly!  I will definitely be doing this from now on!  And it worked great with our theme!  Get it?? Beat it!!


For our other game, I took the second set of pictures I copied and had them laminated at the UPS Store.  Then we played a version of musical chairs to MJ music. Instead of putting them in a circle, I just scattered them over the floor and told the girls they could only pause on a picture for 2 seconds and then they had to move to the next one!
For favors, I bought these red lunch sacks at Target (I think it was 10/$1), and then used my Cricut to cut out the letters and hearts and had my husband glue them on.


I set up a little favor station.  The hats were my favorite part! My sister found them early last spring at Children’s Place marked down to $1 each!  I bought a frame at the thrift store for $1.50, painted it red and then lined it with my glittery wall paper and just hung the hats as specimen art!



The scarves that are draped off the table, are actually womens’ tank tops that I asked you guys for help with last week!  I tried the disco ball thing and a couple other things and nothing was working, so in the end, I just cut straight across in 3 rows and made some infinity scarves!

The shelf beside the frame, I picked up at a yardsale for $1, painted it red and then found some of those little wax soda bottles on sale. They were 50 cents a pack and I split each pack in half, put them in a plastic bag and made little tags that said “King of Pop” (yanno, because they were soda bottles!!).




The pencils I found in my stash (in planning this party, I realized I have a stash of pencils for nearly any occasion or theme. It’s really bizarre).  I had a plastic frosting container that was empty, so I wrapped paper around it and added my little label that cracks me up.  (I’m feeling the need to explain every label… you know, because you use a pencil to write your ABC’s and 123’s).



The lollipops I won in a giveaway! I wrapped up an Amazon box, added my label and was good to go.  Can you tell, I only have a B&W printer… nothing fancy here, people!


My husband made CD’s of some of her favorite MJ songs as well.
For food, we had Black or White cookies, King of Pop popcorn, Black & White Tastycakes, pizza pinwheels and other goodies!
For the cupcake stands, I took some thrift store candlesticks that I painted red and glued them to the bottom of some of the free records.
I got the banner that I used behind the food table off of Ebay.  After shipping it was only $4!  I decorated using stuff from her room and the lamp I painted her this Summer.
I found these sparkly foil chandeliers in the Halloween clearance at Target marked down to $1.29 so I bought 2 and cut the skeleton off the bottom!
I had this board that I painted blue earlier this summer for a sign for her room and then I never did anything with it. So about an hour before her party started, I quick painted a silhouette on it and then had all the girls sign it!  I love it!
At the end of the party, we set up the Michael Jackson Experience Wii game on the projector screen, turned the lights off and let the girls dance away until the parents showed up!
I think that’s it!!
We had a blast and she loved every second of it!  I think we’re moving all the records up to her room for decoration because she’s already sad that I’m taking stuff down!

List of Supplies to help get started:


70+ of the BEST Birthday Parties! | Sweet Rose Studio

Monday 17th of June 2013

[...] Michael Jackson Party at A Turtle’s Life for Me [...]


Thursday 14th of June 2012

I love this party! My 3 year old son is a huge MJ fan and wants me to throw a MJ themed party. I have a few ideas in mind but I have been surfing the net for inspiration. I love all the details...very creative!


Monday 21st of November 2011

Hi Natalie, you certainly went to a lot of trouble to put on the most beautiful birthday party for your daughter. Lucky little girl. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

Cooper & Amanda

Sunday 20th of November 2011

You are pretty much the coolest mom ever! I love all of the little details you put in this party. I am a little shocked that an 8 year old girl would want a Michael Jackson Party but it makes me smile. You must have a really awesome daughter. :) It will be a few years until my daughter is old enough to want to have a Michael Jackson party but I will use yours for inspiration!


Sunday 13th of November 2011

First of all, I love that your 8 year old loves MJ! All of the little details of this party are just amazing...WOW!!! I'm sure she will never forget it. :0)