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How to Clean a Grill with a Steam Cleaner

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With winter right around the corner, this easy tutorial will show you how to clean your grill with a steam cleaner so you can store it away until warmer weather comes. With no harsh chemicals, you just need a little elbow grease to make it spic and span! I partnered with HomeRight to show you how easy it is with the steam machine!

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I think Fall Cleaning gets such a bad rap. We hear about Spring Cleaning year after year, but really that’s just dusting off some cobwebs and freshening up the house if you think about it.

Fall Cleaning is getting deep down into some grime and gunk after a hard summer of having fun! Especially when you’re talking about your grill.

If you’re anything like us, you use your grill even more than your oven during the warm months. But it’s amazing how infrequently some people (*ahem* us) clean it. Not only because it’s used so often, but because it’s stored outside.

How to clean a grill with a steam machine

Once I started really looking at it, I kind of started grossing myself out. It was filthy! Covered in pieces of food, residue from marinades, pollen and so much more.

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Honest to goodness, there was no way I could cook another meal on this thing until I gave it a thorough cleaning. So I turned to my 1st plan of attack on all things cleaning… my HomeRight Steam Machine.

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I filled the reservoir with distilled water and attached the nylon brush attachment while I waited for it to heat up.

I started with the outside cover of the grill first. There was no real reason to this, except it seems logical in my head. I always start high and on the outside when I’m cleaning something and then work my way lower and more towards the inside. Kind of working that dirty water down as I go.

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Obviously my grill is not a brand new toy around here. It’s seen a few years of use and there are some age spots and patches of rust that just are what they are. No amount of harsh cleaners will fix that. But the steam cleaner got all of the pollen and excess filth away pretty easily.

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The inside was where the elbow grease came into play. These racks were nasty.

But they shined up SO nicely!! I seriously went into this project rolling my eyes thinking this was going to turn into an all day affair where I’d have to soak the racks and grab some steel wool.

But all I had to do was switch out to the wire brush attachment and the steam cleaner went to town.

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It still wasn’t exactly fun, because it’s a lot of individual grid lines that you have to go up and down and sideways and under. It’s a little time-consuming, but the difference is amazing, and I love that I didn’t have to break out any harsh (and expensive) chemicals!

I also love that we can now store our grill away for the winter knowing that come springtime, it will only need a light cleaning. There won’t be any caked on grease that’s been sitting for 5 months or specks of food that bugs are trying to get to. Just a quick cleaning and we’ll be ready to grill our favorite foods again!

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Our favorite grilling recipes: 

And if you still haven’t purchased a steam machine, just look at all of the different ways I use mine! This thing has paid for itself many times over with all of the different surfaces it can clean. Especially since I’m no longer spending money on commercial cleaners that are filled with chemicals!

And that’s just a small sample of everything you can do with your HomeRight Steam Cleaner! Grab one now to save yourself time and money while you keep your house clean!

HomeRight Steam Machine 

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how to clean a grill with no chemicals