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Holiday Decor Re-purposed from Thrift Store Finds

Sharing is caring!

I’ve always been a fan of thrift stores and giving old new things a new life, but I lost a lot of my motivation in the last couple years.

Make no mistake, I didn’t lose my motivation for purchasing the items. Oh no, I still have a basement storage room filled to the brink with all my thrift store “treasures”. But once I brought the items home, they just were ignored. It was pretty lonely really.

I’m baaaaack, though!  And it feels so good!

I picked up this little cutey for $2.75. She was a bit roughed up and missing some of her paper in spots.

globe world before

But my goodness she had the prettiest little legs! Who can resist some sparkly legs, right?!

globe world feet glitter

I apologize, I was apparently in such a hurry to get to these projects that I just quick snapped some before pictures with my phone and didn’t take the time to get some nice ones with my camera! Ooops!

I brushed on two coats of a blue paint I had on hand, and then used my Silhouette to cut out “Peace on Earth”.  The Silhouette file was 75 cents, and I already had the paint, so my total cost was $3.50!

globe earth repurposed holiday decor

I love her soooo much and the best part is she only sat around for about 4 days before I got to work on her!

globe repurposed thrift store holiday decor

On the same trip to my favorite thrift store, I picked up this beauty for 85 cents. Ummm, yeah, not really my style.

wood slice chalkboard verse before

I didn’t sand or tape or do anything other than give her a quick wipe-down with a damp rag. Once she was dried off, I brushed on two coats of chalkboard paint. You could use black paint too, but I didn’t happen to have any. Then I used my Silhouette again with some gold vinyl to print out this saying. I love it, because it’s not just for the holidays. This can stay up the whole year round and make me smile every time I look at it.

wood slice repurposed thrift store holiday decor verse

My total for this project was $1.60!

I love the way these both turned out so much, that I might actually venture down to my basement sometime soon and see what else I can work some magic on!

holiday decor from thrift store finds

Michelle Quinno

Monday 22nd of December 2014

Wow, these are great!