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DIY Games and Crafts for the Summer!

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School’s almost out!!  Summer is just around the corner.  I figured I’d better get my butt in gear and find some things for the kids to do on those days where they feel like they have nothing to do!  So I brought together a fantastic round up of DIY Games and Crafts, and most are to be played outside!  We all know kids love to help, so let them help you set up the games and do the crafts!

I set up a Carnival a few years ago for my son’s end of the school year party and made a lot of the games- there is no shortage of fun!  Be sure to check out the post with all the games, such as Toliet Paper Toss, Plinko, Tic Tac Toe, and several others.

Carnival Games

carnival games

Got any marshmallows??  I know there’ll be lots of marshmallows throughout the summer for S’mores!  Why not set up a Target and make your own Marshmallow Shooter?  Here is one that I did!

Marshmallow Shooter and Outdoor Target

marshmallow shooter outdoor targer

 Here are 9 other awesome and fun DIY games you can create- add your own twist to them- up the ante, create your own rules!  The sky’s the limit!

Fly Swatter Painting– this is a fun and creative way to let kids paint!  You just put the paper outside on the ground and let the kids go to town!  Hose them off with the water hose when they’re done!  It’s ok to let them make a mess sometimes!

fly swatter painting

You could even set up a Kiddie Car Wash while the kids are enjoying their painting!  Let them wear their swimsuits and send them through the sponges and pipes connected to a water hose!  Such a fun way to clean up and stay cool too!


You don’t even have to let the kids use paint and paper if you don’t want to.  Here’s a great DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint tutorial!  Let them take those fly swatters and paint the sidewalks, driveways, and patios!  This paint even washes off of bricks too!

Sidewalk Chalk Paint Recipe

Most kids love splashing in puddles and water- make them their own Sponge Bombs!  They can soak up lots of water and you can even set up a catching game that will keep them cool as the water splashes on them!

sponge bombs

Test your kids’ throwing skills.  Get them ready for Horseshoes by building a Ring Toss Game!  You can insert dowels into a wooden board, or even in the ground would be good too.


Ladder Golf!  Never heard of it?  Check it out!  It is a fun and unique game that the kids would love!


Everybody loves being outside in the summer time, don’t limit hours just to daylight hours!  You can set up ANY of the above games to be played in the dark!  Add flashlights and a little glow in the dark paint!  Here’s a great game that can be played during day AND night with the use of glow in the dark paint.  Glow in the Dark Yard Game

glow in dark game

Scavenger hunts are so much fun!  Teach your kids about Geocaching!  It allows other people to join in on the fun.


Make a date night with several other couples and host the Olympic Games!  You could add alcohol to make it a little more fun!  This post has 6 different games you can do.  You could even do these games for the kids, minus the drinks!


You can always turn to Pinterest for more summer game ideas.  Your kids have a huge imagination- allow them to help you create a fun and unique game.  Be sure to play with them, they love it when you spend time with them!  Have a GREAT summer!

