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DIY Blanket Ladder

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You can make this DIY Blanket Ladder with just a couple 2x4s and about an hour of your time!

You can make this DIY Blanket Ladder for under $10 with nothing but straight cuts! Great for a beginner!

This is another of those projects that came about for no other reason than I was bored! (psst… these are NOT my husband’s favorite project descriptions!)

I was faced with a garage full of 30 year old studs after our renovation, and was trying to come up with more uses for them. We had already built a desk out of 2x4s, even some Halloween decorations and he was busy working on shelves for our powder room and kitchen.

wood scraps from remodel

I decided to try my hand at a blanket ladder even though I didn’t own any blankets that I was interested in displaying! But I had a long wall that felt like it needed something other than a flat picture on.

So I grabbed our belt sander and got to work. Guys, we picked up this belt sander from Harbor Freight for cheap! I want to say it was $30, and we have used it SO much. It completely makes these old studs look like new again!

studs after sanding

In fact, the wood looked so good, that I almost thought about leaving it in its natural state! I lived with it like this for a month or two while I decided if I wanted to stain it.


This project is so easy that I seriously didn’t need any help from my husband… and at the very least, I usually need him to help me hold things steady!


2 2x4x8’s

wood screws


Directions: Cut 2 60″ long pieces of wood. Cut 4 17″ pieces of wood.

I’m not the best with drawing up plans, but here is a rough sketch with the dimensions.


I attached all of the ladder rungs at an angle by just screwing them together. The angle isn’t necessary, but it helps the blankets lay a little better. Feel free to just attach them straight without angling, though, if that’s easier for you!

You can see in this picture how I angled mine.


Of course, the above photo was after I decided to stain it. I had another project that I stained using Minwax’s Special Walnut, and I fell in love with it! It feels so warm and cozy!

Then it was time to actually find some blankets to put on this pretty guy. I had a Home Goods gift card burning a hole in my pocket, and managed to find my two blankets there. 

I’m enjoying being able to scratch another project off my list even if it was a project I didn’t even realize was on my list to begin with! 😉


If you’re looking for other easy DIY builds to use up some of your spare wood, be sure to check out our desk that we made from more of the 2×4 studs!

DIY Desk from 2x4s

That one was a little bit more challenging than a blanket ladder, but still not hard at all and very inexpensive!

I’ve also made these photo frame boards, and these are beyond easy! Plus they make great gifts, so start making them now for the upcoming holiday season!

Wood Photo Display Board

And be sure to PIN this blanket ladder, because seriously, a gorgeous piece for your house for less than $10?!!





