A couple weeks ago, PA got a little tease of some Spring-like weather! It was close to 80 degrees, and our yard quickly filled up with teens playing Frisbee and asking for a bonfire. In the back of my head, this little voice was whispering that I made the right decision to partner with Roundup® For Lawns for this post, because our yard really needs to be treated with as much thought and care as any other room in our home! It gets used that frequently!
A little over a year ago, we were at the tail end of house hunting and started telling friends about the house we decided to put a bid on. Without fail, every single one would comment, “Oh, that’s the house with the gorgeous yard!!”
Over and over again, we heard comments about the yard and how the patio/deck set-up would be perfect for entertaining. This house was in a part of town where we didn’t really know anybody or have any connection to. And yet all of our friends knew EXACTLY which house we meant because of the yard!
Okay, 2 things here, folks.
1) We realized suddenly that all of our other houses had hidden backyards. You could drive around the block or come at the house from either direction, and nobody would ever be able to see the backyard unless you literally stepped out our back door and into it. Not the case with this house. A corner property basically meant we had 2 front yards.
2) Two front yards meant we had to keep up with it! Yikes! For a couple who was used to fixing up the interior of houses and not doing much with the outside, this was pretty intimidating! We also felt a certain obligation to maintain it as well as the previous owners since it apparently was a well-known yard! What in the world?! This still cracks me up!
We’ve lived here one full year now, and we were pretty distracted that first year. We had a major renovation going on in our entire first floor, and the backyard became a construction zone. Now that that project is behind us, my husband and I spent this past winter dreaming about the backyard, so that it doesn’t look like this again.
Trying to come up with a game plan to make sure we were not only using it to its full potential, but keeping it in tip top shape is our priority this year. We noticed over our first year here, that it really is the gathering spot for our two teens and their friends.
It’s not uncommon to look out back on a nice day and see a volleyball net set-up, chairs pulled up to the edge of the patio and kids lounging on blankets. We love it! We also enjoy it when the adults take some time to stay and hang out too.
But we love it even more when we aren’t embarrassed because of the weeds. So our mission for this year is to break out Roundup for Lawns- Kills Weeds, Not The Lawn!
That’s a motto that I can get behind.
You know what else I can get behind?? An all-in- one product. We’re busy. You’re busy. Life is just busy, isn’t it?? I don’t have time to research what all the different weeds we’re dealing with are and then find a product for each one. I will gladly use one product that covers over 250 of them in one shot and is specific to my area of the country and the
weeds I’m dealing with. Easy is much more attractive than a difficult, multi-step product.
And gorgeous grass is much more attractive than this:
Hopefully soon, we’ll get some nice weather back and we can break out the bonfire pit and some family-friendly games! I can’t wait to show you one of our favorites that you can re-create in your backyard too!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Roundup® For Lawns.