These Chemical Free Cleaning Tips for Your Home are easy and inexpensive! Make sure your home is non-toxic for your kids and pets with a steam cleaner.
This is the time of year when everyone starts breaking out the dusters and mops and tackling their Spring Cleaning Checklist. In our house, we refer to this as “We Host Easter for 40 People and the House is a Disaster”.
Same difference, right?
Whatever you decide to call it, it falls after months of kids tracking in snow and mud, winter winds blowing debris into window sills and more. So much more.
Because the house just feels like it needs aired out a bit, doesn’t it? But the thought of dragging out a bunch of cleaning supplies and tools isn’t too appealing either. When something exhausts me just thinking about it, I know I’m never going to make it to the end of the actual chore!
But for the past year, my cleaning tool of choice has been my HomeRight Steam Cleaner! It’s like my little buddy that just follows me from room to room and never lets me down!
Chemical Free Cleaning Tips for Your Home
I’m going to take you room by room to share what I focused on, but please know that this little powerhouse has dozens upon dozens of uses! Don’t read my trouble areas and think you’re good there and so you don’t need one. You can’t even imagine all the ways you will use this pretty little steam cleaner!
I won’t get into it on this post, since I’m focusing on spring cleaning, but we even use it in our cars. My husband works in construction, so that’s no small feat either!
Chemical Free Kitchen Cleaner
The biggest area that I wanted to tackle before our family descends on us in a couple weeks, was our fridge. There is some caked on goop on the door handle, food splatters on the side by the stove, and the ice maker.
Oh the ice maker area on the door of the fridge. It was just gross.
I have tried so many things to clean this junk off of here. I’ve tried vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, Thieves cleaner and more. So much more. Nothing would ever work.
Till my trusty HomeRight Steam Cleaner. Remind me again why I didn’t try this sooner??
I used a bristle brush attachment and spent about 5 minutes.
You can see how some of that dirty that it’s breaking up starts running down the front of the fridge. I just wiped this up after I was done and it looked amazing!
While I was in the kitchen, I also tackled the sink faucet. We have hard water and always get a ring around the faucet. I used the bristle brush to clean this up also.
You can also clean your oven while you’re there. I went into lots of details in a previous post about the attachments I use for our ceramic stove top and then for the inside of the oven. You can check out lots of before/after pictures HERE if you want to oohh and ahh!
Toxic Free Living Room Cleaner
Then I moved into the living room since that’s where most of our guests will spend their time. There was a spot on the area rug that had been driving me nuts. This stain has been there for over a year now and while it didn’t disappear completely, it is much fainter than it used to be!
I think it’s one of those things that nobody else will probably ever notice, but since I know exactly where it was, I can’t unsee it now!
I also cleaned our dog’s pet bed with the same attachment. It’s so easy to kill dust mites and germs with the steam cleaner and so much healthier for your dog than putting cleaners and soaps on the bed where he sleeps!
You can also use the same approach to clean your couch cushions or throw pillows. Dust mites and germs can hid anywhere!
The other thing that needs a thorough cleaning after the harsh winter is windows! I am always amazing at how dirty window sills can get! It really shouldn’t be that shocking, though, since they’re only protected by a screen from the outside!
I started with the bristle brush to clean ours and then moved on to the angled tip to get into some of the crevices.
Once the window sills were clean, I used the squeegee attachment to clean the actual glass.
Non Toxic Bathroom Cleaner
Next I moved into the bathrooms. I started by keeping the squeegee attachment on and making sure the mirrors got a good cleaning. How does toothpaste end up on a mirror, anyways??
Then I moved on to the floor around the toilet. I started with the bristle brush, because I get a little weird about this and wanted to get a large area. I did move on to the angled brush later to get into all the cracks a bit better.
Next it was time for the shower. I’ve shown you before how well this steam cleaner does on my glass shower door and on the shower surround itself. It’s been over a year now of me cleaning our tubs with this steam cleaner and I don’t think I will ever go back!
It does such a thorough job and I no longer have a headache from the smell of the cleaners!
I’ve also used our steam cleaner to un-hibernate our patio furniture! We store it in our shed and Easter is pretty much our first chance each year to use it! It gets a thorough cleaning from top to bottom! I can even sanitize the cushions with it! You can read all about the tips I use and see more pictures HERE.
Supplies for Chemical Free Cleaning
That’s it! That’s seriously all you need! Depending on where you live, you might also need distilled water… but I promise you that this is the easiest and least labor-intensive cleaning tool you will ever need!
Remember where I started earlier this week with my fridge’s ice dispenser?
It only took a few minutes to get to this…
How can you not be sold on a machine that can work that kind of magic in minutes!? I get so excited when I see the puffs of steam as it’s working, because I know when the steam disappears, I’ll be left with a clean surface!
Martha Day
Thursday 22nd of March 2018
Thank you so much for those tips. I'm tryng to stop using chemicals at home and I can really use your tips and advice.