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Back to School Checklist

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Back to school checklist

Our back to school checklist, surprisingly hasn’t changed that much as the kids have gotten older. There are a few things here and there that are required by specific teachers that might change, but in terms of what our family does to prepare for the start of the new school year… it’s remained pretty consistent!

Although, I admit, I no longer make them carry a piece of paper in their pockets for the first week with their bus number on it! I have a relaxed a teensy little tad.

Back to School Checklist:

1) We make sure we are prepared with freezer meals. I know, I know… I’ve been beating this drum for years. I’m just always amazed at the number of people who will say, “I know it would be a huge help, but…”. Uh huh. How about no but. Just “it IS a huge help”!

I don’t just make sure we have dinners prepped in the freezer, I also make sure we have breakfast burritos, breakfast sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, muffins and more. All made and frozen before school starts.

2) A good planner is a must. I’m talking to you moms and dads! My kids get school planners once they’re back in session, so I don’t even worry about them. But a planner for me is an essential item on our Back to School Checklist!

3) Pencils. Why do I still love these yellow little pencils so much. Every so often, my kids will think they want patterned pencils or mechanical pencils, but we always keep coming back to these yellow #2 pencils. They just scream Back to School!

4) Notebooks! My kids each get one and I get one before school starts. We can jot stuff down so we don’t forget it later and keep track of to-do lists both at school and at home.  This house would be wreck if it weren’t for notebooks!

5) Hand sanitizer is a must. We use Thieves Hand Sanitizer because it doesn’t dry our hands out the way commercial ones do and it helps protect against germs like no other!

6) A wall organizer BEFORE school starts is a must! I’ve made the mistake in years past of trying to get one after the madness has already begun and you feel like you’re just treading water trying to catch up. Grab one before school starts and it will go much more smoothly!

7) Of course, we also go through the standard checklists too: Do your shoes still fit? Try on your jeans from last year? Does your bookbag have a hole from you dragging it behind you? If I buy you a new lunchbag this year are you going to remember to bring it home so it doesn’t grow funky science experiments in it?

You know, all those fun things that come up EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR.

8) We also start our Back to School preparations with a few reminders.


As I was finishing typing this post, I looked over at my 11-year old daughter and asked her what her #1 must-have item is to go back to school. She threw her arms open wide, and shouted “Love!! Lots and lots of love!”


Monday 20th of July 2015

Freezer meals are on my to-do list! They would help us out so much come Fall between school and baseball!

Barb @ A Life in Balance

Monday 20th of July 2015

LOL I love your daughter's comment!

I'm good about making snacks for the freezer, not so good about the freezer meals. I'm working on that in August - stocking the freezer with homemade meals.


Saturday 18th of July 2015

Freezer meals make life so much easier once the fall schedule kicks into gear!